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Apologia is a fresh way of looking at the Bible. It forcefully tears open the veil which separates Old and New Testaments to reveal a bold and seamless narrative which unveils the Creator’s ancient code of conduct for believers. Tread past salvation’s timid threshold and boldly step into the path of righteousness, where we partner with God as we strive to reach the full measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ and boldly claim your rightful place as sons and daughters of the Almighty.
Discover the common denominator which characterized our spiritual ancestors—Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and the apostle Paul. Rekindle your new birth passion and strengthen your faith in a way you never thought possible. Grow past the bashful platitudes and learn the way of the Master. Read the book others are calling “tremendous,” “excellent,” “refreshing,” “great,” and “a must read.”
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